Same spot. Surprise.
Okay, so check it. Today we had breakfast with Robin. After going over the syllabus she sent us on a wild, awesome, photographic scavenger hunt of a whole mess of theatres in London. The teams were, Annie&Chris(me), Josh&Mere, and Dare&Kim.
We were to find as many theatres on our map as we could in a 2 hour timespan.
Annie and I dominated. Entirely.
27 theatres in two hours.
We won.
Anyway, after that we found a lovely little pub named the Sun Tavern. After that we went to the ultra-mega-orientation meeting at the King's College Church across the River. Beautiful church. Amazing to be in. Had a few glasses of wine, and then the whole theatre group travelled down to The "White Hart".
My Mum has told me before to go to this pub, and we did. It was a delight.
Cheap, great service, super cool atmosphere. Had a blast.
After that we walked down the river to get ice cream. We were un-victorious.
Now we are here, with our second class looming over the horizon.
So proud on so many levels! Loving you!! mama